Reflections from Pastor Quincy
I am spending some time preaching on Jeremiah to begin the New Year and some similarities to our position as Christians in the United States strike me:
- Israelites in the early chapters of Jeremiah are enjoying a resurgence of power under Josiah
-Many religious leaders are promising a new era of prosperity and peace for God's people because they are going to return to following God's law and rules
-At the heart of the nation, they remain unconcerned with the poor, the orphans, the widows, the immigrants and the marginalized in their midst.
-The hearts of the people still find their value and fullfilment in false gods, despite confessing allegiance to the one, true God with their mouths.
Jeremiah has a tough task in challenging the people that things aren't right and they need to repent and seek authentic relationship with God that will change the way they think, act and behave as a society and individuals. He doesn't back down from the challenge... will I? Will you?